Monday, April 13, 2009

How To Win Her Back - Stop Acting Needy!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the pain of a recent break up? If you want to get your girlfriend back, then don't make the same mistakes almost every guy makes.

The smallest hint of neediness on your part is going to be noticed immediately by your ex. She cant help but pull away when you act like this. You see, its human nature to resist any kind of pressure.

Do you call your ex girlfriend all the time, constantly write emails and text messages, try to make them feel sorry for you or other similar behaviors? This is the worst approach possible.

Instead, adopt an attitude of detachment. Back off and give her some breathing room. During this time of no contact, focus on ways you can improve your personal life. This will be a challenging time for you and you'll have to resist the urge to return to your old ways.

There will be a shift in how your ex feels about you since you're no longer after her. As a matter of fact, you've become a bit unavailable yourself. You're demonstrating that you're a strong and independent man who can live without her. Now she's in a position to miss you. How can she miss you if you're always bothering them?

The main thing to remember is to work with your ex girlfriend's natural instincts. If you back off, it allows her to be drawn towards you again. These tips will get you started in the right direction. It's going to be a challenge not to start acting pushy and needy again. Don't hesitate to seek out advice that can help guide you through this tough time.

Check out How To Get Your Girlfriend Back to read more free tips on how to win her back fast.

Article Source: Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back Fast